HCA Holdings, Inc.
401(k) Fund Rotation Strategy

Retirement Savings Plan Improvement








Market momentum has long been proven to be the best predictor of future price movements. SectorSurfer is an automated investment advice tool for self-directed retirement plan accounts. Its high performance sector rotation algorithms keep you in the best funds during bull markets and its StormGuard algorithms move you to the safety of a money market fund during bear markets.  SectorSurfer evaluates each Strategy daily and sends 2 to 5 Trade Alert emails per year when a trade is required. If you prefer having personal professional advice, please contact one of our listed SectorSurfing Professional Financial Advisors.

SectorSurfer Strategy Performance

The performance of SectorSurfer's trend-following asset class rotation algorithms, as applied to HCA 401(k) funds, is depicted in the  chart below. Simply by determining which of the funds has leadership and owning only that fund for the next month SectorSurfer achieves the performance depicted by the yellow line on the chart. To better understand how SectorSurfer works, be sure to click each slide above (or its text title below each thumbnail) to review the topic's summary information. The chart below has numerous mouse-over hot spots that provide a brief popup text description of the chart object, and many chart objects can be clicked to link to a more complete description. For a more theoretical discussion, please review the Sector Rotation Theory page.

To add this to your My Strategies list, click the icon to open the Select-a-Strategy popup window and select 401k - HCA Holdings from the list.

About Proxy Funds Funds:

Many of these funds are invested in a portfolio of stocks designed to replicate a specific index, but do not have their own assigned ticker symbol to enable access to historic data through the electronic market data service providers. However, each specified index that a fund seeks to replicate does have a ticker symbol and does have available historic market data. SectorSurfer utilizes historic market data for these indices as proxy data for each of the funds as specified below.

HCA Fund Name SectorSurfer Symbol Proxy Symbol and Name - Note 1
Interest Income Fund $CASH StormGuard will use this for going to cash
Long-Term Government Index Fund LT-GT VUSTX, Vanguard Long Term Treasury
International Equity Index Fund EAFE- BTAEX, International EAFE Index Fund
Large Company Growth Fund L-GRO RUI-H, Russell 1000 Growth Index
Large Company Value Fund L-VAL RUI-Y, Russell 1000 Value Index
Small Company Growth Index S-GRO RUT-H, Russell 2000 Growth Index
Small Company Value Index S-VAL RUT-C, Russell 2000 Growth Index
S&P 500 Index Fund SP500 SP-DA, S&P 500 (dividend adjusted)
Emerging Market Stock Index Fund EEM EEF, MSCI Emerging Markets Index
5-To-Go Fund --- No appropriate proxy fund.
15-To-Go Fund --- No appropriate proxy fund.
25-To-Go Fund --- No appropriate proxy fund.
35-To-Go Fund --- No appropriate proxy fund.
45-To-Go Fund --- No appropriate proxy fund.
Real Estate Investment Trust Index Fund --- No appropriate proxy fund.
Investment Grade Bond Index Fund Note 2 FBIDX, Fidelity US Bond Index Fund (AGG)
High Yield Corporate Bond Fund Note 2 MLHY-,  M.L. High Yield Master Index
Inflation Protected Treasury Index Fund Note 2 TIP, Barclay's Treas. Inflation Prot. Bonds
Commodities Index Fund Note 2 DJCI, Dow Jones Commodities Index

Note 1: While "proxy" funds are an excellent representation of HCA fund performance, they in fact are not exact. However, their character is well matched for providing the quality data needed for SectorSurfer's sector rotation algorithms.

Note 2:This fund has a proxy symbol but was excluded from the strategy as explained by these 401k Strategy Rules.

HCA 401(k) Plan Funds
The funds included in the chart above are investment options available for use within the HCA 401(k) Plan to provide exposure to large cap, small cap, fixed income, government securities, and international stocks. However, from time-to-time it is not uncommon for a plan's custodian to change one or more of the plan investment options available to participants. Pease diligently check the plan's fund list currently provided to you by your plan custodian against the funds included in any version of this Strategy that you may use. SectorSurfer Strategies are fully customizable. You are not limited to using only the combination of funds included in the above Strategy, but may add or subtract funds to customize it as you please. If you find that the selection of funds in this Strategy is outdated and you have an update to share, or if you have a measurably better HCA 401k Strategy you would like to share, please contact us via our Plan Update page.

Retired?  Employed Elsewhere?  Over 591/2?  
Upgrade your 401(k) to an IRA to Unleash SectorSurfer's True Sector Rotation Potential!

You can escape from the paltry performance of your 401(k)'s over-diversified funds by rolling them over into an IRA account where you'll have access to a wide variety of country and sector funds that will unleash the full performance potential of SectorSurfer's True Sector Rotation algorithms. Good returns are required to reduce "retirement risk," which is the risk at age 65 that your savings aren't sufficient and you may have to work longer or reduce your standard of living. While traditional diversification addresses the relatively short term investment risk, its paltry returns can lead to longer term retirement risk problems. Don't win a battle but lose the war.

Learn Here how to convert your 401(k) to an IRA. Then check out  the many excellent Safety Strategies on our Hall of Fame page.

We Believe:

• High performance investment software should be for everyone — not just big Wall Street firms.
• Diversification is not a justifiable reason to own poorly performing funds — they hurt your portfolio.
• Great investment advice isn't a fund sorting tool — it's automatically selecting this month's best fund.

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         ... While You go Have a Life!

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Specific Quick-Start Instructions
Follow these steps to quickly set up your SectorSurfer account to use this Strategy  ...  (click to read more)

Click to Signup for a SectorSurfer account. It costs nothing to get started.1. Click the Signup Wizard button on the right to create your account. It costs nothing to open an account and experiment with custom strategies or make use our totally Free Strategies.  See Member Plans Page for details about Free and Premium Memberships.

    a) On the Create an Account screen specify your username, password, full name, and email address.
         Then click

    b) Next is the Account Information Screen. Complete the below steps and then click
      -  Section A: Optionally add a backup email address or cell text number for your Trade Alerts. Click the button.
      -  Section A: Optionally enter your Referrer's name to give them credit. Review the Referral-Name you'll give others.
      -  Section B: Review the subscription options and click checkbox to acknowledge having read it.
      -  Section C: Optionally order a subscription (required to receive Trade Alerts for this Strategy). Acknowledge the checkbox.

    c) Next is the Application Settings Screen to determine how you would like your Trade Alerts handled and then click
 You're Now Are a SectorSurfer! 

2. The My Strategies Page will automatically be your next destination. This is your definition list of personal Strategies.

    a) Please watch the short video demo. It will save you time and frustration. Click its icon in the upper left of the page.

    b) Note the other help resources in the upper left and bottom of the page.

Experiment with the Example Strategies provided. Mouse-over the icons and ticker symbols. Click things to see what they do.

    d) To import the above Strategy into your My Strategies execute the following steps:
       - Click the  icon in the 2nd row to get the Select a Strategy popup screen.
       - Scroll down until you see the Strategy name matching the above Strategy, then click its line to highlight it.
       - Then click the button near the bottom to import this Strategy into your personal list.
   Now You're Really SectorSurfing! 

Stocks & Commodities Review of SectorSurfer

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Product Review
by: Jaclyn McClellan

GeekWire Interview

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Professional Article
Dale Van Metre, Ph.D.

Note: SumGrowth Strategies, LLC and its SectorSurfer product are not associated with or sponsored by HCA or the HCA 401(k) Plan. SumGrowth Strategies is a privately
 held company with a mission to help individuals improve their retirement plan prospects by providing state-of-the-art automated investment portfolio analysis and advice.